painted on whoopee cushions
Noh, one of Japan's traditional performing arts, has a special program called "Okina".Okina means "old man" in Japanese and this program is composed of dances with masks depicting old man.
"Being similar in shape" is one of the important elements in Japanese faith. It is considered that the same spirit resides within the same shape.
"Dances", which uses some whoopee Cushions, was created based on the idea that the same spirit resides in the cushion because the shape of the cushion is similar to the Okina mask and the action of stepping the dance steps and sounding the ground is similar to the action of making the sound with the cushion.
The ancient spirit in which I am interested “Shaguji” is said to be identical to the Okina.
私は能の中でも特別な演目である「翁」に興味があります。ブーブークッションの形を翁面に見立て、また地を踏み鳴らす行為と クッションで音を鳴らす行為の類似も踏まえて、もともとプリントされている 女性を踊っているようにマスキングし、彩色した作品です。